NDLE Monday Memo

North DeSoto Lower Elementary

Our Mission Statement:

The Little Griffin Family serves, cares, and educates; creating a love for learning, leading to graduation.

Monday Memo for February 5-9, 2023        


Dates to Remember                                                                                                                                         

Feb.  5 SPT Conferences 10:00-6:00 (No School for students)

         8  Mardi Gras Literacy Night 5:30 pm/ Jambalaya plate pick up 5:30-7:30

         9  NDHS Mardi Gras Parade 9:30 am / Kona Ice Day/ Students may wear Mardi Gras Shirts

        12 Virtual PTA Meeting 6:00 pm

        13 Class Pictures (students wear nice outfit)

        14 Valentine’s Day (students wear Valentine themed or colored shirt with uniform bottoms)

        14  GRANDPARENTS’ DAY —-  Please note the change of date  (it was originally scheduled for the 16th)

        15 School Resource Officer Appreciation Day

        19-23  Winter Break

PTA News

  • T-shirt order forms will be coming home this week. Please check your child’s folder.

  • PTA will meet virtually on February 12th at 6:00 pm.

Mardi Gras Literacy Night

NDLE is hosting a Mardi Gras themed Literacy Night on February 8th at 5:30 pm. Our teachers will be hosting literacy games and activities for students. Pre-ordered Jambalaya Fundraiser plates can be picked up at this event. 

NDHS Mardi Gras Parade

Our students will watch the NDHS Mardi Gras parade on Friday, February 9th at 9:30 a.m. Students may wear Mardi Gras shirts with uniform bottoms this day. 

Class Pictures

Students will take class pictures on February 13. We ask that students wear a “nice” outfit of their choice like our other picture days. 

Grandparents Day/Valentine’s Day

NDLE will host Grandparents Day for our students on February 14th. Kindergarten grandparents will begin in the gym for an assembly at 8:00, PreK grandparents at 8:50, and First grade grandparents at 9:40. After the assembly, grandparents will visit their student’s classroom and sign the student out with their teacher. After that, they can enjoy reading a book or taking a picture together in the multipurpose room then board games in the cafeteria. Kona Ice will also be here if grandparents want to buy their sweeties a sweet treat! Older siblings will attend the assembly of their younger siblings. Parents please let your child’s teacher know if that is the case for your family. Click the link to see a google doc of a detailed schedule.  

 Grandparents' Day

Also on this day, students may wear a Valentine shirt or Valentine colored (red, white, or pink) shirt with uniform bottoms. Teachers will have contacted you through Rooms messaging if your child’s class is exchanging treats on that day. 

Lost and Found

Please come check our lost and found for lost jackets and water bottles. 

Breakfast Menu

Feb.  5-  S/P/T Conferences  NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

         6- pancake dippers, tropical fruit cup, juice, milk

         7- sausage biscuit, mandarin oranges, juice, milk

         8- breakfast pizza, pears, juice, milk

         9- cinnamon roll, fruity yogurt, applesauce, juice, milk

        12-  cereal and graham crackers, string cheese or fruity yogurt, pears, juice, milk     

Lunch Menu

        Feb.  5-  S/P/T Conferences  NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

         6- bosco breadsticks, chicken tenders, green beans, carrot sticks and dip, mixed fruit, milk

         7- hot dog, chili, baked beans, tater tots, pears, milk

         8- chicken nugget chunks, mashed potatoes, seasoned corn, apple slices, buttered roll, milk

         9- deli sandwich, assorted chips, sandwich salad cup, carrot sticks and dip, banana, mandarin oranges, milk

                12- BBQ rib sandwich, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, broccoli bites, peaches, milk